Product Design
Product Design
At McCormick Stevenson, Product Design is in our blood. Our team offers deep, valuable technical expertise focused on the Armaments Industry.
We build virtual representations of complex products by employing the industry’s most advanced engineering and design tools including CREO and SolidWorks for 3D solid modeling, the ANSYS analysis suite for product evaluation, and CETOL 6σ for tolerance analysis. Our thorough embrace of digital product definition forms the foundation of a Model-Based Systems Engineering process delivering value throughout the product lifecycle.
Staying Ahead of an Ever-Changing Industry
McCormick Stevenson is a learning organization committed to continuous improvement. To keep abreast of defense industry advances, our team eagerly embraces a leadership role by facilitating and supporting professional design and engineering organizations, including the Florida PTC User Group that was founded in 1995 by our founder, Noel McCormick and our local SolidWorks User Group.
Solid Models Form the Foundation of Digital Twin
A detailed 3D CAD Model is at the center of our development approach and forms the framework for both communication and collaboration between engineering disciplines. McCormick Stevenson communicates critical interface requirements through disciplined use of control drawings driven by parametric 3D/CAD models. Our team helps control the boundaries between organizations and disciplines that so often result in miscommunication and error.
Look to McCormick Stevenson for Expertise Across the Product Development Cycle
- Armaments & Munitions System Design
- Mechanically Rugged Defense Electronic Systems and Avionics Design
- 3-D Solid Modeling and Concept Layout
- Cabling and Interconnect Design
- Trade Studies
- Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T)
- Tolerance Analysis and Evaluation
- Design Review Briefings
- Model-Based Virtual Assembly Instructions
- Rapid Prototypes

McCormick Stevenson Delivers Comprehensive Technical Data Packages
- Parametric 3D Models (assemblies & parts)
- Native CAD drawings, fully-associated with and driven by 3D models
- Neutral file formats (.pdf, .stp, .iges, .x_t, .stl)
- Interface Control Documentation
A Design Mission to Reduce Unit Cost
With decades of experience, we understand the significant impact of the product development process on downstream product cost. For all of our projects, both large and small, we maintain a vigilant commitment to design for manufacturability, assembly, and testing.
- Confirming hardware architectures are easy to manufacture, assemble and maintain
- Identify clear, comprehensive, testable requirements